This is just a quick post to talk about some projects that I have been working on over the past few months, as well as some events that I have coming up in the future.

Hellenistic Astrology Course Revamped

Over the past few months I’ve spent quite a bit of time revising my Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology Course and adding a number of new lectures to it. So far I’ve added about 30 hours of new lectures. Here is a list of the titles of the new lectures:

  • Basic Techniques and Concepts in Hellenistic Astrology
  • The Theory and Practice of the Arabic Parts or “Lots”
  • The Triplicity Rulers of the Sect Light
  • The Domicile Lord of the Hour-Marker

I just added the last lecture on Monday, and I’m very excited to share it with everyone. In the lecture I show how the ruler of the Ascendant can be used in order to determine information about a native’s focus and direction in life, as well as other things such as matters related to health, physical vitality, and behavioral characteristics. I use over 70 example charts in the lecture in order to demonstrate how to use the technique.

I have two more lectures to record over the next month, and then I will finish turning the course into a 10-part course that offers some form of certification in Hellenistic astrology in the end. Here is an outline of how the new course will be structured:

  1. The History of Ancient Astrology
  2. The Philosophy of Hellenistic Astrology
  3. Basic Techniques and Concepts in Hellenistic Astrology
  4. The Domicile Lord of the Hour-Marker
  5. Rulers of the Houses in Different Places
  6. Bonification and Maltreatment Conditions
  7. Lots or “Arabic Parts”
  8. Triplicity Rulers of the Sect Light
  9. Time-lord Techniques: Annual Profections
  10. Advanced Time-lord Techniques: Zodiacal Releasing

Once I finish revising the course I plan to raise the price on it sometime next month, so if you have been thinking about signing up for the course recently then now would be a good time to do so, before the price goes up. You can find out more information about the course or sign up for it on the intro to Hellenistic astrology course page.

Talks at Upcoming Conferences

I will be giving talks at both the Northwest Astrology Conference in Seattle in May and the International Society of Astrological Research’s conference in Phoenix in September.

Rectification Lecture Available

In April I presented a lecture on how to rectify a birth chart for the local astrology group here in Denver, and the recording of that lecture is now available for purchase on my website:

It is a two-hour audio lecture, and it comes with a PDF that contains all of the slides and handouts from the lecture.

New Astrology Podcast Episodes

I have recorded a few new episodes of The Astrology Podcast since November, and they are all available to download for free through my website:

I have not recorded any new shows since March, since I’ve been focused on recording lectures for the Hellenistic course, although I hope to get back to it soon.

If you would like to receive an email when new episodes of the podcast become available then you can sign up for the Astrology Podcast mailing list.

If there is anyone that you would like me to interview for the podcast or topics that you think I should cover then please send me an email and let me know.

That’s it for this update, so thanks for reading!